photo of a woman using a vending machine that disperses Naloxone

Free naloxone vending machines added in Marin County (SF Chronicle)

Vending machines that dispense free naloxone, a nasal spray that can reverse the effects of opioid overdoses, have been installed throughout Marin County, public health officials announced Tuesday. 

The installation comes ahead of International Overdose Awareness Day on Saturday, and it’s part of the county’s effort to reduce opioid overdoses, the county’s leading cause of death in residents 55 and under, according to a news release

Marin County now has eight naloxone vending machines and three Naloxboxes, wall-mounted boxes containing naloxone doses, according to an interactive map of naloxone distribution sites available online.

“We’re excited to expand the availability of naloxone throughout the county,” said Dr. Todd Schirmer, director of behavioral health and recovery services for the county of Marin. “The new interactive map on the OD Free Marin website allows everyone to do their part by locating and carrying naloxone so they can be prepared for emergencies.”

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