row of Narcan in a vending machine
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New Naloxone Vending Machines to Combat Overdose Crisis in Marin County

The promotion coincides with International Overdose Awareness Day.

Marin County, CA — In a concerted effort to address the ongoing overdose crisis and in recognition of International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31, Marin County Health & Human Services Department, OD Free Marin, and community partners have announced the installation of additional free naloxone vending machines and NaloxBoxes throughout Marin County. 

Dr. Todd Schirmer, Director of Behavioral Health and Recovery Services for the County of Marin says “Our team offers a network of substance use services, and widespread availability of naloxone is a key strategy to save lives from overdose in Marin County. We’re excited to expand the availability of naloxone throughout the County. The new interactive map on the OD Free Marin website allows everyone to do their part by locating and carrying naloxone so they can be prepared for emergencies.”

Why Carry Naloxone? 

Opioid overdose is the leading cause of death in Marin County among residents aged 55 and under. Naloxone (brand name Narcan®) is the single most effective means to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. Carrying naloxone prepares bystanders to act in an emergency and potentially save lives. By having naloxone readily available, we can collectively reduce the number of overdose deaths in our community. 

Why Free Naloxone?

While naloxone is available for purchase over the counter and by prescription, the County of Marin is committed to reducing all barriers so everyone can carry this life-saving medication. Free naloxone is now available for those without insurance and for those who cannot afford to purchase it.

Where to Find Free Naloxone

Naloxone vending machines and NaloxBoxes are strategically placed in accessible locations throughout the County. Visit this new interactive map to find convenient locations.

Naloxone helps restore normal breathing in a person whose breathing has slowed or stopped due to an opioid overdose. Naloxone nasal spray is easy to use without medical training and is small to carry. To learn how to use naloxone visit: Naloxone Training.

“Vending machines are a great way to make sure everyone has access to Narcan, in a no-questions asked, cost-free, and equitable way.” Said Dr Matt Willis, Marin County Public Health Officer. “Everyone engaged in OD Free Marin is pitching in– fire stations, health clinics, hospitals, community organizations, and government agencies have all stepped forward to host Narcan distribution. It’s another example of the how our community mobilizes, to tackle threats to our health together.”

Join the Cause

OD Free Marin is a community-based overdose prevention coalition working to ensure a coordinate and collective impact approach to reducing the risks and harms associated with drug use. Learn more and join us.

Learn more about International Overdose Awareness Day visit: International Overdose Awareness Day: 31 August. OD Free Marin is hosting an International Overdose Awareness Day event on August 31st  at Marin Ace Hardware, 180 Merrydale Road, San Rafael, from noon to 1 PM.  

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