Lethal fentanyl dose on the point of a pencil

PUBLIC HEALTH ADVISORY: Local Increase in Fentanyl Overdose Deaths

Current Situation

Marin County is experiencing a cluster of suspected fentanyl overdose deaths. In five overdose deaths since February 14, preliminary toxicology suggests the victims ingested fentanyl in combination with methamphetamine. There are corresponding increases in these substances in Marin County wastewater and in 911 calls for non-fatal overdose events. People using substances may be at higher than usual risk for fatal overdose in Marin County.


Overdose is the leading cause of death in Marin County for residents aged 55 and younger. Fentanyl, a high potency synthetic opioid, is the most common substance involved in local overdose deaths. Spikes in fentanyl-related deaths may be due to increased concentration and intentional use of fentanyl or increased contamination of fentanyl in other substances.

Providers are asked to share the following messages with people who use drugs:

Other actions requested of providers

  • Recognize suspected opioid overdose and take prompt action. Reversing high-potency opioid overdoses may require repeated administrations of naloxone.
  • To reach those using substances, OD Free Marin and Marin Public Health have developed harm reduction and overdose risk alert flyers to be printed and posted where appropriate.
  • Refer patients with opioid use disorder to treatment, or obtain the capacity to provide Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT) in your practice.

If your organization distributes Narcan or fentanyl test strips and needs supplies,
email info@odfreemarin.org. Marin County Public Health is monitoring the situation closely and will provide updates.

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