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‘Hey Marin: WTF?’: North Bay county starts new fentanyl awareness campaign to bring attention to growing opioid crisis [Video]

MARIN COUNTY, Calif. (KGO) — A new campaign is targeting the dangers of fentanyl in Marin County. This as President Joe Biden met with Mexico’s president on the last day of APEC to talk about the Fentanyl crisis facing the two countries. In the North Bay, a new eye-catching ad campaign is targeting the dangers…

Audience in lecture taking notes
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OD Free Marin collaborates with Song for Charlie to educate parents about preventing youth overdose

Marin parent Jessica Schiller, whose daughter Naomi died of an overdose, joined a panel discussion on fentanyl at the Marin County Office of Education (MCOE) which held a screening of the documentary, “Drugs in the Age of Fentanyl.” Marin County community-based prevention coalition, OD Free Marin collaborated on the event with Song for Charlie, a nonprofit…

Greenbrae parents Michelle and Jeff Leopold remember their son Trevor

The Fentanyl Crisis – how it affected Greenbrae parents Michelle and Jeff Leopold

by Dan Pine / excerpted from JWeekly The parents of Greenbrae teen Trevor Leopold said their son resisted help when it came to drug use. Michelle and Jeff Leopold watched helplessly as Trevor became a habitual cannabis user two years after his bar mitzvah at Congregation Rodef Sholom in San Rafael. The drug caused violent…

6 out of 10 deadly pills illustration

Marin Voice: New campaign tackles county’s fentanyl crisis

By Matt Willis and Vikki Garrod Every five to six days we lose a Marin resident to an accidental overdose. This is more than twice the rate of five years ago. The primary driver? Fentanyl. The public health crisis of overdose in Marin demands urgent action and community-wide strategies. We learned from our COVID-19 response…

Adult Chocolate Labrador Retriever

Dog’s life saved with Narcan in Marin County

KRON 4 | Rob Nesbitt In a first for the Marin Humane Society, an animal services officer in Marin County saved a dog’s life using Narcan. The dog’s owner called 911 when the animal collapsed in a mall parking lot after discovering that their prescription medication bottle had been chewed through minutes before. At the…

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Tam district stops all classes for anti-fentanyl webinar

By KERI BRENNER | | Marin Independent Journal For the first time, the Tamalpais Union High School District interrupted classes this week for all 5,000 of its students at five high schools to deliver an important message. The message, relayed in a 45-minute districtwide webinar screened mid-morning on Thursday, was simple, but ominous: “Any pill, even if you…

Real Talk Matters: Fighting Fentanyl & Its Impact on Mental Health

Real Talk Matters: Fighting Fentanyl & Its Impact on Mental Health

OD Free Marin and Marin Suicide Prevention Collaborative invite you to a one hour webinar about fentanyl that includes lived experience speakers such as a substance use navigator working at the Marin Health Emergency Department and experts in the field. The program connects National Fentanyl Awareness Day and May Mental Health Month. This Zoom event will…

Colyn Heimerman, AmeriCorps VISTA training at Marin HHS wellness campus

Marin gets $800K annually to target overdose prevention

By KERRI BRENNER / Marin Independent Journal Marin County is set to receive $800,000 annually for nine years from a settlement with pharmaceutical companies, officials said this week. The county, which has an average of one resident dying from an accidental drug overdose almost every week, will use the money to expand Marin’s overdose prevention…