OD Free Marin
Reducing the RISK of Drug Overdose In Our County

February Newsletter Spotlight – The Youth Lens
Youth Perspective: Why do Marin teens use? Youth substance use in Marin County is significantly higher than the California state average. According to the California Healthy Kids Survey, nearly twice as many…

NY Times Magazine: An Effective Treatment for Opioid Addiction Exists. Why Isn’t It Used More?
A drug called buprenorphine may be the best tool doctors have to fight the fentanyl crisis. Why hasn’t it been more widely adopted?

NY Times Magazine Features Public Health Institute’s Bridge Center on Buprenorphine as an Effective Treatment for Opioid Addiction
PHI’s Bridge saves lives by making it possible for people who use drugs to get treatment at any hospital—whenever and wherever they need it. Today, emergency rooms across the country implementing the…